Oceanside Outdoor Sport offers beach volleyball leagues, tournaments and camps on beautiful Parksville Beach, located on Vancouver Island.
Who we are.
Oceanside Outdoor sport is a small group of locals who have been involved in the beach community for years. As long time residents of the area, we have been able to fully take advantage of the most beautiful place to play... Parksville Beach.
We have been running beach volleyball on Parksville Beach for over 20 years, and have been growing every year. There are up to 75 triples teams playing in our adult league. People of all shapes and sizes, with all levels of skill enjoy themselves and create valuable friendships on the beach every night!
Don't miss out, the summer is only so long here on the West Coast!
What we do.
In the spirit of Parksville Beach Club, we provide opportunities for people to participate in outdoor sporting activities. We offer leagues, tournaments and skills clinics for our favorite beach sport - Beach Volleyball.
In addition, after every league or tournament, we head to the Rod & Gun for some food, drinks and an evening of outrageous games and social activities. This is where we get to have fun giving out tons of prizes. Our socials are legendary. Even if you have been eating sand all day, we can guarantee that you will be laughing and having fun all night!
Why join the fun.
Oceanside Outdoor Sport offers a fun, inexpensive way to play hard, make friends and enjoy the beautiful sunshine of summer!
In our programs, winners don't take home everything! Prizes are awarded for the most crazy, fun, odd and genuinely weird ways - and there have been some weird ones!
So grab your shorts, and come on out to the beach, we'll meet you there!